Thursday, August 19, 2010

Quality String Gas Trimmer - What to Look For When Buying

If you own a house chances are you need a grass trimmer to edge your sidewalk, around your home and to zap away the ugly weeds. The electric powered trimmers are obviously more of a hassle due to dealing with a cord, so the gas trimmer is the obvious choice. The problem is, how do you chose which gas trimmer is right for you?

There are several things to consider when buying a quality string gas trimmer. Some of these things take some common sense and some take some serious thought. Let's go over a few things you need to consider…

First, you need a trimmer that you can carry. Sure, this sounds like common sense, but think about what that might mean in terms of the trimmer itself. It's really in your best benefit to keep the machine on the light side, so the big fat motor that is impressing you on one model may not be the right choice for you. Also, a bigger motor doesn't mean it has more power than a smaller motor, so forget about that aspect for a moment.

Second, does the trimmer have a straight shaft or a curved shaft? Straight shaft trimmers don't have the same set of problems as curved shaft trimmers. However, these problems are usually eliminated in the high quality trimmers, but in general, for a no-name brand trimmer, stick to a straight shaft.

Third and last but certainly not least, is buy quality. A quality string gas trimmer is night and day different than a cheap one. Quality trimmers don't have the numerous issues with starting cords breaking or shaft cords snapping, etc. Actually, in regards to the second consideration listed above, a curved shaft trimmer is extremely convenient to use and a good feature to have in a trimmer. However, I would only recommend buying a curved shaft trimmer if you are buying a well-known name brand.

Of course, quality trimmers can be twice the cost but they are well worth it because they will last five times as long. Also, you can buy a quality name brand trimmer if you know where to look online. For example, at string gas trimmer deals you will find nothing but quality at extreme discount prices. Some of the best brands to look for are Echo Grass Trimmers and Stihl Gas Trimmers. Both of those brands are regularly used by lawn professionals every day.

If you keep these three things on your checklist when buying your gas trimmer you will likely end up with something that will make you happy and keep your lawn looking freshly cut for a long time.

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